Tuesday 24 September 2013

Contents Page:

If id of gone ahead with the contents page for my college magazine id have made the word 'contents' bold and colourful. Id of written the contents of my magazine in bold writing, all linked with images of the stories. The main story of the magazine would of stood out above all the other stories, with bigger images and would have been a different colour to catch the audiences attention. 

Preliminary Task; Front Cover

Front cover:

My front cover of my College Magazine. This was my first time making a front cover of a magazine. I made this using Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, also the first time using this programme. 
On the front page i have included a masthead, which is the title of this magazine in this case 'In House'. i used a big, bold and colourful font so i know that it'll stand out above the image. I also added the release date of the magazine and the issue number. There is the main story on the front cover which i used another font for; keeping the colour scheme the same as the masthead. The front cover is very plain and simple. Using only two colours and a medium close-up of a Sixth Form college student. Im fairly pleased of this front cover as it is the first one i've ever made but when i make another for my Music magazine i shall make it a lot more busy, a lot more colours to attract students attention, more main stories to draw the audience in and with the picture, ill make it more clear, as you can see on the photo there is a fair few blemishes and redness, i did try to use the spot healing brush on Adobe Photoshop but as you can see i only made it look worse, so on my next magazine ill try to work on that more so i don't get any redness in the image. Many improvements need to be made but as this was the first front cover of a magazine i don't think i did too bad.